With the signature of Governor Schwarzenegger, AB 706 took effect as urgency legislation on 8/5/09.  It adds §361.49 to the Welfare and Institutions Code providing that:

Regardless of his or her age, a child shall be deemed to
have entered foster care on the earlier of the date of the
jurisdictional hearing held pursuant to Section 356 or the date that
is 60 days after the date on which the child was initially removed
from the physical custody of his or her parent or guardian.

AB 706 also amends W&I C §361.5 providing that court-ordered services for children three and older shall end 12 months after the child entered foster care.  The bill also limits the duration of services provided where a child is under three and makes changes to requirements for filing motions to terminate services.

Full text of the bill can be found here