by erintomlinson | Feb 24, 2017 | Marriage, Support
California’s “no fault” divorce law does not prohibit the court from considering evidence of fault when deciding the issue of spousal support. Family Code §4320, the primary statute governing determination of spousal support orders in California, sets forth a number... by casekamshad | Apr 2, 2014 | Custody & Children, Marriage, Services, Support
Researched and written by: Terri Bui On March 1, 2014, the San Diego court system instituted a new One-Day Divorce Program to assist self-represented litigants in their divorce process. If eligible, the parties involved would get help completing all necessary... by casekamshad | Jan 20, 2014 | Support
A parent may be granted a financial hardship deduction from his or her income used to calculate child support. Circumstances evidencing hardship include: (1) extraordinary health expenses, (2) uninsured catastrophic losses, or (3) minimum basic living expenses of the... by casekamshad | Jul 25, 2013 | Custody & Children, Support
This, the next article in our series on special-needs children and the law, deals with child support and how you can keep getting it for your child even after she/he has become an adult. Many children are afflicted with mental disabilities that severely impair their... by casekamshad | Jun 13, 2013 | Marriage, Support
Most people are familiar with the term “alimony.” These are payments made to an ex-spouse after a divorce to maintain the marital standard of living (or before a divorce to ensure a spouse can maintain a reasonable standard of living pending the trial). In... by casekamshad | May 7, 2013 | Marriage, Property, Support
In addition to doing divorces, we also help couples get married–through the negotiation and drafting of prenuptial or premarital agreements. Prenuptial agreements are contracts between two parties that pre-divide property in the event the parties divorce. Things...
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