by casekamshad | Sep 27, 2013 | Marriage, Property
It used to be (from 1983 onward), military retirement pay was exempt from division as community property. This meant that the U.S. Armed Forces pension plan was treated from other pension plans in that a spouse could have no community interest in the plan. This... by casekamshad | Sep 17, 2013 | Custody & Children
Move-aways, where a custodial parent leaves the county with the children, can be tough, especially in San Diego County. Here, the Court strongly frowns upon move-aways and has made it procedure to include in custody orders that a party may not move without written... by casekamshad | Sep 9, 2013 | Custody & Children
Worried that your military deployment could be grounds for losing custody? A recent case (decision filed 8-15-13) upheld California Family Code §3047(a), which states that a party’s absence is not, by itself, sufficient to justify a modification of a custody or...
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